miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011

italians with red hair

italians with red hair. hair was on the red carpet
  • hair was on the red carpet

  • caspersoong
    May 3, 05:50 AM
    I think I will just ignore this... And block it in my hosts file.

    italians with red hair. hayley williams red hair.
  • hayley williams red hair.

  • Mechinyun
    Mar 17, 01:08 AM
    haters gonna...

    italians with red hair. red hair bride « My Italian
  • red hair bride « My Italian

  • Dagless
    Mar 23, 05:55 PM
    This is fascinating!
    Out of curiosity how built up is your area? Is this a neighbour you've spoke too before? I think I'd feel worse if one of my neighbours stole something rather than some thief I never met before. That said they're mostly old folk, Paul Scholes and a pub so I don't expect any of them to steal from me!

    Anyway. I can't wait to hear how this ends. It sounds like it's all going to work out if you can just get the police into that house. Surely you'll be able to prove it's yours there and then by some serial number, hard drive key or something?

    italians with red hair. Hair: Red Eyes: Blue
  • Hair: Red Eyes: Blue

  • SevenInchScrew
    Nov 14, 03:00 AM
    That's what's driving me mad at the moment.
    I forgot one other thing, which is also driving me mad... the foot steps. For some reason, Treyarch decided to take basically all sound of footsteps out of the game. That makes "Ninja" a worthless perk now, as you don't need it to be silent. But, it also makes it much easier to get ridiculously stabbed in the back.

    I've heard that foot steps, along with the spawn issues, are a couple of the main things being fixed in the first patch/update. I really hope so. The fact that they made it into the final release like this is mind-boggling, so a fix is the least they can do.

    italians with red hair. red hair colours 2010.
  • red hair colours 2010.

  • MacsRgr8
    Jan 5, 06:37 PM
    Maybe I'm missing something, but doesn't the idea of a spoiler-free experience sort of run completely opposite to the purpose of this site? You sit around all year reading rumors and then don't want to be spoiled three hours before they post the keynote? Huh?

    IMHO candidate for best post of 2007. :cool:

    italians with red hair. teen red hair galleries
  • teen red hair galleries

  • Mr. Chewbacca
    Mar 24, 03:10 PM
    Wish I had gotten a few shares of stock then!!

    italians with red hair. Khloe Kardashian Red Hair
  • Khloe Kardashian Red Hair

  • balamw
    Oct 2, 07:10 PM
    Perhaps DVD Jon's business model in this instance primarily revolves around getting Apple to pay him off...
    LOL. I am a bit surprised that they haven't made him a job offer already w/ decent options.


    italians with red hair. miranda lambert hair pics.
  • miranda lambert hair pics.

  • arkmannj
    Mar 24, 07:12 PM
    While I am glad you're 10 years old OS X, I'm also a bit sad that you abandoned your big brother OS 9 at that truck stop bathroom out in Kansas. No need to be too sad though, I'm sure he's up there in that big computer lab in the sky looking down with that big happy face he always had.

    This would NEVER Happen. but wouldn't it be an awesome treat if Apple added an emulator to Lion that could run (and was pre loaded with) each major version of Apple OS's from the Apple I on. ! (and heck while we're dreaming, how about all the Next Step OS versions too)

    It's in no way practical, but I'd truly geek out over it ! :)

    italians with red hair. my hair and a gorgeous red
  • my hair and a gorgeous red

  • starflyer
    Mar 28, 03:32 PM
    What exactly is a 'hater'? Someone that disagrees with the company line? Someone with a dissenting opinion?

    He didn't say everyone who cries foul is a hater.

    italians with red hair. Italian Brown Butterscotch middot; Italian Collector Pose Bowtie with neon red hair
  • Italian Brown Butterscotch middot; Italian Collector Pose Bowtie with neon red hair

  • Neodym
    Oct 3, 05:01 PM
    This will be the first time ever, regular people will stop waiting for their computer to work, even when using multiple applications.

    Umm - sorry to destroy your illusion here, but Amiga made that possible already in 1985! This was thanks to true preemptive multitasking (while Classic MacOS sported cooperative multitasking only, up to OS9). No matter how big the workload and with several applications open at the same time an Amiga would react instantly to any user action!

    Even today a 50MHz Amiga with 128Mb of Ram often feels a lot more responsive than a 2.000+MHz beast with 1GB of Ram in a "modern" computer. Granted - todays GUIs are more complex as well, but still...

    So with the new era of multi-core machines the "rest of the (home)computerworld" will finally have come on par with what Amiga could offer more than 20 years ago already!


    italians with red hair. big hair; dark red lips;
  • big hair; dark red lips;

  • snebes
    Apr 8, 04:56 PM
    This would be especially true if person claiming to be a current or former employee knows the term BBY at all. Hell, I'd believe them for my own sake, as I don't want to believe in a world where anyone outside of the Best Buy "family" would ever be concerned with such trivial things.

    You do know that BBY is their ticker symbol, right? Same reason the "stock holders" here say AAPL instead of Apple. Its not exactly top secret info.

    italians with red hair. Italian film and television
  • Italian film and television

  • Angelo95210
    Mar 9, 05:48 AM
    they aren't

    Could you elaborate on this? Useless reply at this point...

    Actually there are some pretty innovative companies around. We here on this forum are just a bit too much focused on Apple. Apple is good to innovate on design, not that much on technology. There are some companies like Archos, Sony, LG that release interesting products too.

    italians with red hair. The red hair is definately
  • The red hair is definately

  • kainjow
    Apr 22, 10:22 AM
    I was initially opposed to having only an up-vote button, but it might not be a bad idea. Say a single "+1" button, and only display the count if it's >= 1. Might be worth trying.

    italians with red hair. rag doll has red hair held
  • rag doll has red hair held

  • spencers
    Apr 8, 02:10 PM
    ^^ Yup, in the E30! That's why I bought it after all: a cheap(er) easy to fix car that is predictable and balanced at its limit, even though that is relatively low compared to more modern suspension.

    Oh darn, no preregister for you? If that didn't happen here, we'd have much too full of a day and less than 14 runs that we usually get. What are you going to bring to your event? Your 325Ci again? I LOVE the E46s....

    Just curious though, can you go unstaggered wheel setup with the same size stock rears in the front? That's the only thing I don't care for on the E46.

    Yes, my 325Ci. The car came with a square setup. 17x8" :) Guess I'm lucky!
    14 runs is a lot!

    italians with red hair. circus with her red hair
  • circus with her red hair

  • Eidorian
    Nov 16, 04:22 PM
    Maybe the AMD laptops are coming today :eek:

    The store is currently down...
    http://images.apple.com/r/store/backsoon/title_backsoon1.gifVery interesting! :D

    I have a test so tell me what the updates are when I get back. :p

    italians with red hair. hayley williams red hair
  • hayley williams red hair

  • ten-oak-druid
    May 3, 09:31 PM
    The other "if you asked" commercial was strange. It goes:

    Samsung: If you asked "can we copy your ipad?", we would have said no.

    italians with red hair. red hair colours 2010.
  • red hair colours 2010.

  • Prom1
    Mar 27, 10:05 AM
    Yeah, installing an OS straight from the Internet ? Never heard of that before. :rolleyes:

    Not everyone is stuck on dial-up, and it would be nice for Apple to finally provide an option that has been the norm in many other OS installers for the last 15 years.

    However, I doubt we won't see optical discs. For one, they are much cheaper and faster to duplicate than Flash memory devices. It would make no sense for Apple to go the costly route of Flash only distribution just yet since most of their line-up still have DVD drives.

    Not to mention the cool-storage shelf life for optical storage as a final backup. I'm willing to bet out of ALL the users on these boards (myself included) clamoring for no more optical in a MBP/MB that we still have TONS of optical discs with important data lying around and not solely limited to DVD movies.

    italians with red hair. Red hair female Italian model
  • Red hair female Italian model

  • 3N16MA
    Mar 24, 07:21 PM
    Happy Birthday (yes I'm saying that to an OS). Wish I would have been part of OS X a lot earlier but I spent years, yes years contemplating which Mac to get and playing the waiting game.

    italians with red hair. (red hair), Italian Andrea
  • (red hair), Italian Andrea

  • Lynxpoint
    Mar 24, 08:50 PM
    Happy Birthday.

    It is so true how OS X was a major turning point for Apple. One of the things that I always thought set Apple apart was their willingness to drastically alter course when needed. I remember the System 7, 8, 9 days well. I liked working on Macs, but at the time Windows NT was a more robust beast. When a suitcase can crash your machine, you know something is wrong. So along came OS X, and it surpassed MS for many years. For MS today, I can not comment. For from 10.4 on I abandoned all MS gear, and I still refuse to work with it. Thats not because XP was bad. It was quite strong. But where MS failed was in the shell - the user experience ( I ran custom shells on XP). And where Apple excelled was in this area. The stability of UNIX with a good user interface (not perfect, no RDF here) made digital work good.

    I wonder what the future will bring. I hope for some real evolution in computing. iOS has given us some of that. I just hope that our 'trucks' don't get treated like real trucks, with little change over the years because they do their utilitarian tasks just fine.

    Nov 24, 08:56 PM
    LOL! Santa Rosa introduced on Tuesday... :D (just kidding!)

    my merom is now obsolete!! grr

    Mar 19, 12:02 AM
    I just got my iPhone 4 on Verizon, and I mentioned it to a guy at work. Just you know, I was excited mentioned I got it. First thing he says "iPhone sucks, Droid is way better."

    People are idiots, I could have been happy with a Droid but I made my choice. I dont know why people gotta take it so personal.

    Apr 27, 01:01 PM
    Yes, that's exactly what I want to accomplish dejo.
    Good. Now we're getting somewhere.

    Please, enlighten me .. what is the difference between the countdown-timer and NSTimer?
    Let me ask you this: what do you think the difference is?

    I though you must use NSTimer to get a countdown or count up timer.
    Using an NSTimer is certainly a common approach to the problem of modeling a countdown timer, but it's certainly not the only one. Because the timer is tied to the main run loop, it is not guaranteed to actually fire every second (in your case). In that case, perhaps the use of NSDate to keep track of seconds elapsed would be a better approach.

    Oct 17, 09:27 AM
    Perhaps this explains why the Mac Pro was designed with two optical drives? ;)

    Now your Mac Pro will cost $3500-$4000 instead of $2500-$3000.

    Proud Liberal
    Sep 12, 10:33 AM
    ...I know the media invite says "It's Showtime" and we know what the connotation is for that. But I find it interesting that the theater where the event is being held is done up with huge silhouette iPod ads, which doesn't really fit the "It's Showtime" theme, unless the new true video iPod is also going to be announced in conjunction with the movie download service. :confused: :confused: :confused:

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